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Ike's first attempt at an animation career.

Lab outing to Han Dynasty!
Is this COVID compliant?

Congratulations, Elise!
Stephen and Eric take home poster awards!

Congratulations, Mary Margaret!
Eisenlohr lab attends Eric's choir concert!

Robert loved his white elephant gift.
Eisenlohr lab representing at the IGG Retreat 2021!

Elise hosts a house party - Fall 2021!
Eisenlohr lab album cover?

A cookout at Ike's house!
Second lab gathering post-vaccination!

Vaccinations galore!
Full immunity here we come!

Spongebob trivia battle between Ike and Eric over Zoom
Demonstrating our superior sense of style

Ike has had enough, even after 15 months of virtual meetings
First face-to-face post-COVID

Dog meet-ups (Charlie - left and Eggsy - right)!
Mike trying to salvage a disastrous cell sorting experiment at 3am

Lab clean-up day
I mean, sure?

Congratulations, Annie!
Lab lunch at Sitar India

Halloween 2019
Congratulations, Katherine!

Team Pox+ represent!
Katherine's thesis defense party!

Halloween 2018
How many Eisenlohr lab members can fit into an elevator?

Lab selfie!
Linvilla Orchards lab outing!

Grumble grumble...
Mary Margaret survived!

Mike Hogan meets the Eisenlohr Lab legend Mike Miller.
The lab goes to a Phillies game!

Eisenlohr Lab White Elephant 2023!
We barely made it out alive from this escape room.

Congratulations, Kate!
Congratulations, Eric!

Eisenlohr Lab White Elephant 2024!
That doesn't look our Genesee order.

The lab has a food truck lunch!
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