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Current Areas of Study

The Eisenlohr lab spans many facets of immunology and virology.

Mechanisms of Poxvirus Virulence Factors

Stephen and Candy are currently studying the cellular and molecular mechanisms of poxvirus virulence. Specifically, they work on the C15 ectromelia virulence protein, which is a member of the B22 family.


Interrogating Non-classical Antigen Presentation through High-throughput Screens

Dominic, Linlin, and Emma use targeted knockdowns and knockouts to investigate the pathways used to process and present model influenza virus antigens. They are also developing novel antibody reagents for studying antigen presentation.

Viral Triggers of Autoimmunity

Julia and Mary study the interaction between viral infection and dysregulated immune responses. They plan to explore how viruses may trigger alterations in antigen processing and presentation that promote the development of autoimmune/autoinflammatory diseases.

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